Marvin LiaoVenture Capital is Hard: The End of an EraI’ve been practicing venture now for almost 11 years and been in the tech industry for over 26 years now. It’s fascinating how it seems…Jun 20, 202410Jun 20, 202410
Sammy AbdullahPrivate SaaS M&A and Multiples in Q2Software Equity Group is an investment bank that puts out research on SaaS markets. They recently released their Q2 report. A summary is…Jul 29, 20242Jul 29, 20242
InBoth Sides of the TablebyMark SusterWhat is the Right Burn Rate for your Startup?One of the hardest decisions entrepreneurs make when they start a company and raise outside capital is figuring out what an acceptable…Jun 20, 201710Jun 20, 201710
Matty BrownellPitch decks are ugly — I made a free tool to make yours shine.Founders lack the design knowledge and resources to design effective pitch decks. As a startup brand designer, I see it firsthand.Apr 20, 202315Apr 20, 202315
InBootcampbyMaxime TopolovThe Cream: Top 64 Tools to create anything in 2023Over the past two years, we’ve tested over 850 different tools and have narrowed down our top choices to just three in each category.Apr 21, 20234Apr 21, 20234
InBaldertonbySolène BrébantThe evolution of the B2B go-to-market tech stack: a few areas to watchIf you’ve read my previous post, you’ll know that there are a number of external trends and factors impacting B2B go-to-market strategies —…Feb 2, 20231Feb 2, 20231
Sammy AbdullahUpdated SaaS M&A MultiplesSumo Logic is being acquired by Francisco Partners. Alongside multiples of publicly traded SaaS companies, public SaaS acquisitions are…Feb 9, 2023Feb 9, 2023
Sammy AbdullahNet dollar retention of 98 SaaS co’sOne the most important metrics in SaaS is net dollar retention (“NDR”). It tells you what percent of revenue from current customers you…Feb 21, 2023Feb 21, 2023
InEntrepreneurship HandbookbyAaron Dinin, PhDI Became a Better Fundraiser When I Stopped Forcing VCs to Ask Me Stupid QuestionsInvestors always ask questions during fundraising pitches, but they’re not always good questionsJan 24, 202210Jan 24, 202210
InEntrepreneurship HandbookbyDonna GriffitI Boiled Down Hundreds of Successful VC Pitches to One Winning FormulaAfter seeing thousands of pitches over seventeen years, this formula is the one that I know works.Sep 24, 20219Sep 24, 20219
InCodica JournalbyDmitry Chekalin10 Top SaaS Startups to Inspire You in 2021Today we are witnessing the rise of the SaaS domain. This article lists top 10 SaaS startups of 2021 for your inspiration.Apr 14, 2021Apr 14, 2021
Founder CollectiveA Five Minute Intro to Startup SEOI built SEO engines at MasterClass and Bungalow — here’s what I gathered.Jul 31, 20213Jul 31, 20213
Sammy AbdullahMeasuring SaaS Contribution, SumoLogic, and Confluent are public SaaS companies with excellent customer performance. In their prospectus’, each of these…Jul 19, 2021Jul 19, 2021
InThe StartupbytjmahonyRemote First — This is WaterYou are probably reading this from a desk, in an office, in close physical proximity to colleagues who, like you, will spend ~54.2 minutes…Feb 14, 20204Feb 14, 20204
InBoth Sides of the TablebyMark SusterThere are no Shortcuts: Why Showing up In Person is EverythingYou had an amazing meeting with an investor. Your product demo crushed. The dialog was great. They told you how much they loved your space…May 10, 201828May 10, 201828
InCreandumbyspecht.pCreandum Series A Deck TemplateA good deck is an important factor in maximising your success for raising a Series A. It’s your key marketing material and should spark an…Mar 23, 20212Mar 23, 20212
InVenture UniversitybyJ. Skyler Fernandes10 Characteristics Which Make A Truly Great Venture Capital InvestorTo VC, or not to VC, that is the question?May 8, 2019May 8, 2019
Michael B. GilroyThe Death of the SaaS LTV/CACA little over two years ago I wrote a blog piece on Early Stage SaaS Unit Economics which outlines LTV/CAC for enterprise software…Jun 24, 20193Jun 24, 20193
InCantos VenturesbyIanThe Unified Theory of Enterprise Value & Tech InvestingOn more pensive days, which have been abundant of late, I feel a sort of odd camaraderie with the late Stephen Hawking in his quixotic…Jun 10, 20202Jun 10, 20202
InBetter MarketingbyDonna GriffitThe Ultimate Cheat Sheet for Your Startup’s Investor Pitch DeckI wrote hundreds of them over 15 years, here’s my winning formulaMar 29, 201717Mar 29, 201717